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For CASEST Faculty list, please click the following link.

For CEOAS Faculty list, please click the following link.

For DIA-CoE (ACRHEM) Faulty list, please click the following link.

Retired/Distinguished and Visiting Faculty

    Name  (alphabetical order)   Tel : extension
e-mail  (add @uohyd.ernet.in) Research interests (Brief) - Click on their name for more information.
UGC Emeritus Scientist
Bansal C (Ph.D. TIFR, Mumbai) 4320 cbsp Nanomaterials and Devices, Phase Transformations in Alloys, Thermal Expansion in Alloys, Magnets and Superconductors (Experiment)
NASI Seniour Professor
Anil K Bhatnagar (Ph. D. Maryland ) 4301
Condesned Matter Physics (Expt), Thin films, Material Science
Honorary Professor
(Ph.D Moscow) 4304
Quantum Optics, Nonlinear Optics and Nonlinear Dynamics (Theory)
R. Singh(Ph.D. Delhi) 4256 rssp Condensed Matter Physics, Magnetism, Thin films (Experiment)
INSA Senior Scientist
(Ph.D. IIT Kharagpur) 4322 kaulsp Condensed Matter Physics, Phase Transitions, Magnetism, Critical and Re-entrant Phenomena (Experiment)
UGC BSR Facutly Fellow
(Ph.D. IIT Kanpur) 4335
Non-Linear Laser Spectroscopy (Experiment)
NASI Sr Scientist Platinum jubilee Fellow
(Ph. D. IIT Kanpur) 4316 appsp Ion Solid Interactions, Radiation Damage, Surface/Interface Physics, Semiconductor Heterostructures, Quantum Dots and MultiQuantum Wells (Theory, Experiment)
Sastry V S S S (Ph.D. IISc, Bangalore) 8106(CMSD)
vssssp Condensed Matter Physics, Magnetic Resonance (Experiment/Theory)
( Ph.D. IIT Chennai)
4324 csssp Condensed Matter Physics (Experiment)
Vipin Srivastava SM(Ph.D. Roorkee) vpssp Condensed Matter Physics, Neural networks (Theory)
Anantha Lakshmi PM(Ph.D. Hyderabad) 4334 palsp Quantum Optics, Quantum Information
Bindu A Bambah(Ph.D. Chicago) 4325 bbsp Quantum Field Theory, Neutrino Physics and Quantum Entanglement (Theory)
Seshubai VM(Ph.D. IIT Madras) 4365 vsbsp Condensed Matter Physics, Superconductivity and Magnetism (Experiment)
Sivamkumar M(Ph.D. Madras) 4354 mssp Quantum Field Theory (Theory)
B V R Tata(Ph.D. Madras) 4353 bvrtata Ordering, Dynamics Phase transitions in Soft Matter, Photonic crystals Experiments & Simulations
Ashok Chatterjee(Ph.D. Jadavpur) 4356 acsp Condensed Matter (Theory)
(Ph.D. TIFR Mumbai) 8957 grrsp Condensed Matter Physics, Magnetism and Superconductivity, Device Fabrication (Experiment)