– The first three semesters cover the fundamentals of the subject. The courses taken by all the students include Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Mathematical Methods, Electrodynamics, Statistical Mechanics, Introductory Particle Physics, Introductory Solid-State Physics, Introductory Optics and Laser Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Computer Applications and Electronics. Besides ensuring a strong Physics foundation through class room teaching, laboratory courses in Electronics, Solid State Physics, Digital Electronics, Laser Physics, Microwaves, Modern Physics, Nuclear and Particle Physics are also a part of the curriculum. There is a strong emphasis on problem-solving and learning experimental techniques. In the fourth semester, the students choose electives from a wide range of specialization courses. There is also a project component in the course-work in third and fourth semesters. The students can choose to do their project with any faculty of the School. The course-work and the syllabi are however updated and modified on a regular basis to meet the demand of time.