Welcome to School of Physics

School of Physics is one of the first schools of study to be established in University of Hyderabad in 1977. The School of Physics is a center of excellence for multidisciplinary and interfacial research and teaching activities in diverse fields ranging from nanosciences and cold atoms to astrophysics and cosmology, photonics, quantum field theory, spintronics, particle physics and complex systems. The school has been recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) as a "Center for Advanced Studies (CAS)", and also by Department of Science and Technology (DST) for its "Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure (FIST)" program.

The School has been acknowledged as a 'Centre of Excellence' by the Third World Academy of Sciences, Trieste, Italy. It has won recognition by UGC to establish the UGC - Networking Resource Center (NRC), which promotes various outreach programmes to upgrade teaching and research through interaction with researchers from colleges and educational institutions across the country. The faculty of the School have research collaborations with many institutions both in India and abroad, such as the ongoing ones with Fermilab, on neutrino experiments, and discussions with CERN for compact muon solenoid experiments. The School is also a regional center for the Theoretical Physics Seminar Circuit (TPSC) program.

The School of Physics has developed high-quality teaching programmes at the Integrated M.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. levels with a student-teacher ratio that is favorable for individual attention.

The School offers active research programmes to train Ph.D. scholars and has gone on to achieving national and international recognition in areas that include condensed matter physics, high-energy physics (experiment and theory), quantum field theory, cosmology, gravity, nonlinear optics, quantum optics, laser physics, nanoscience, and electronics science. The areas of research include critical phenomena, liquid crystals, thin films, ion beam physics, semiconductors, nanostructured materials, quantum dots, cold atoms, quantum field theory, heavy flavor phenomenology, gravitational waves, neutrino physics, experimental high energy physics, quantum computing, high Tc superconductivity, shape formation in metals and ceramics, magnetism, modern quantum optics, femtosecond laser experiments, ferroelectrics and microwave devices, experiments and computational studies on soft and active matter, biological matter and Photonic Crystals.

The following centres are academically under the School of Physics:

  1. (a) Centre for Advanced Studies in Electronics Science and Technology (CASEST)
  2. (b) Centre for Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS)
  3. (c) DRDO Industry Academia - Centre of Excellence (DIA-CoE; formerly ACRHEM)
